SUMMER GALLERY and opening at 1/7 at the fantastic great and cool new gallery at the ship EGIL, placed at Liljeholmen, close to the south side of Liljeholms bridge. The owner is a great guy and are showing his own works there as well! Open from 15.00 to late hopefully. Very welcome to see some of my stuff and also very great stuff from some other artists like Johan Ström etc. .
I had a stand in the Fuzz Guitar show, held at Eriksbergshallen Gothenburg at 5-6 may. Included some guitars from my new colleague and artist Jesper Eriksson that carvs into the wood by hand, really nice and in his own style.
Hopefully a art exibithion inside this guitar oriented show will make some people curios about other things then mass produced stuff is to be seen there. I don´t expect that anyone will purchase on the show , but like to show that guitars also can be art at the same time as a instrument. Giving the very special to a special guitarist and artist at the same time.